Sunday, October 31, 2010

Upcoming Events

Next Saturday, November 6th is the church BBQ! We need people to work all day and volunteer as much as possible. Please sign up in the back of the church to bring desserts or work. We need men to work in the Pit Friday Night and Saturday. We need women to work in the kitchen putting the plates together and handing out desserts. The youth need to come and help serve tables and run food.

Next Sunday, the 7th, a guest speaker, who led the missionarys to Lima, Peru last summer will be coming to talk with us about his missionary experience. After church, all are invited to Blue Bay for lunch.


To a child, today is Halloween. A day when they can dress up and go house to house to get candy. However, today is also Hallow's eve- the day before All Saints Day. All Saints Day recognizes the saved of the church.

The preacher mentioned that some people of the church have issues with Halloween. He says that Halloween is an innocent time for kids to dress up and get candy, not an evil holiday.

Halloween was actually started by Christians! Bats would show up to the Hallow's Eve parties and people thought it was the devil trying to show up. The bats really mean nothing but people add too much and turn it into something else.

On the Halloween note, last night we had Trunk-or-Treat at the church. Over 200 kids showed up to get candy out of cars in a safe, fun environment.


The Transportation fund has been diligently working to find a bus for our church. A church bus is something we have needed for a very long time.

A few months ago, the transportation committee found a bus they were going to purchase, however, that bus fell through.

Today at church they announced that they have found another bus and will be putting a down payment on it shortly!

Please support our church in this very needed endeavour.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Every week the bulletin is full of thoughts for the week. The ones last Sunday were some of the best I can remember. If you don't have your bulletin anymore, the thought is titled "Grid-iron Glossary." The bulletin then lists words and the definition as it applies to Church.

Here are some of my favorites included on the bulletin:
1. Blocking- Talking endlessly to the pastor at the church door and keeping everyone else from exiting.

2. Draft Choice- The decision to sit close to an air-conditioning vent.

3. Extra Point- What you receive when you tell the preacher his sermon was too short.

4. Two- minute warning- The pastor's wife looking at her watch in full view of the pastor.

These are just a few of the definitions I thought were the best. I think all of the things listed on the bulletin are what we really think and feel.

Upcoming Events!

Don't forget::

October 30th the children will be trunk or treating in the church parking lot.
Come and decorate your cars and give out candy in a safe environment!!!

November 5th Set up for the Church BBQ! All night the men will be cooking the BBQ to make
sure everything is ready and set up.

November 6th: CHURCH BBQ! (all day)
Youth are encouraged to come to help get drinks for the customers or take
orders and wait tables.
Women will be preparing the plates and passing out deserts.
Men will be cooking the BBQ and helping make sure we have everything we

Children at Play

The elementary school aged children go to Children's church every Sunday during church. Three Sundays out of every month are devoted to Bible lessons and activities that relate to the stories. One Sunday every month is devoted to singing Bible songs. Please sign up if you are interested in helping the children of our church become better informed about the Bible! :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Upcoming Youth Events

The youth group is back in full swing from some down time during the summer. We kept activities going all summer but we finally have everyone back from vacations and trips! We have some exciting events coming up for the youth and children. First off, we have revised our children's program... Again! We now meet with the children on Wednesday nights from 5:30-7. We serve the children and their families dinner. We started this Sept. 29th and have had very good turn out so far. The families talk and plan future events while the children play and have a devotion with Sara Gettys, the youth director. On October 9th we will be going to Rowan Helping Ministries West to help from 9am to noon. Everyone is invited to help but we especially would like the youth to come and help. On October 10 we are participating in the Crop Walk for Hunger at City Park's Tennis Courts. The walk will take place at 2:30pm. Some fun festivities we have planned are October 17th: THE SLIME FESTIVAL!!! This event is for all ages so come prepared to get slimey! On October 24th we will have our annual trunk or treat in the church parking lot. See you soon!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fall BBQ

Our annual Fall Bar-b-que is quickly approaching. This year the Fall BBQ is on November 6th.

October 16: 10am Kitchen Clean Up Day

October 21: 7pm United Methodist Women meeting

November 5: Set up for BBQ and cook

Please come help with any of these events you can.

Bible Study

Hey everyone! Great news... Gay's Chapel has started a new bible study. The bible study started last night (Monday, October 4th). The bible study will be every Monday at 7pm. Everyone is invited as always! See you there:)