Sunday, August 15, 2010

pool party:)

Today the youth and adults of the church gathered for a community youth pool party. The party was from 6-9pm. Several people attended and it was a lot of fun. Youth will be Weds. night at 6:30 for all high school students. The pool party included Gay's Chapel UMC, Franklin Presbyterian Church, Enon Baptist Church, and Woodleaf UMC. If you couldn't attend this party, you need to make sure you can make the next one!!! See you soon..

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Contemporary Service.

Recently, Gay's Chapel UMC added a Christian Contemporary service. The service takes place every Sunday morning at 8:30. We have had very successful worship services. Every Sunday, a different person leads the service. I have led the service several times and really enjoy preparing and leading everyone in this time of worship. We sing contemporary songs that are on Christian Radio Stations and songs that are older worship songs. We have tried to have a contemporary service in the past and the attendance has been low but this time we have had a much better turn out. We are pleased to announce this service and invite everyone to come and join us.

Community Pool Party!

On Sunday, churches from around the community will be meeting at Franklin Pool to have a community pool party. The pool party is from 6-9 pm Sunday night. The youth and adults of the church are invited to come fellowship and swim. Everyone bring $2 to cover the price of the pool rental and a snack to share. Hope to see everyone there!

Lock in!

The youth and college lock in was a huge success! Thanks to everyone who came. We ate at Monteray Mexican Restaurant and then went to see Shrek 4: The Final Chapter. After we went to Shrek, we came back to the church to have a devotion. We went into the santuary and lit pink tea light candles. Pink represents hope. We were instructed to give things in our life that are weighing heavy on our lives to God. We lit the candles and then blew them out. It was a really moving experience. I am really glad I got to experience it. I led the devotion. The devotion was about new beginnings and how God doesn't care what we have done in the past, he just wants us to give our future to him and be better in the future. God loves us no matter what and he always will. YAY GOD!

Friday, August 6, 2010

College and Youth LOCK IN!

Tonight we will be going to Monteray Mexican Restaurant and to the $2 theater to see Shrek 4. I am so excited. I hope everyone can come. After the movie, we are coming back to the church and spending the night. Stay tune for pictures... I will be posting them soon:)